In 7 steps to your own website or blog

Why do I use a website and a blog? What kind of systems do I use and how can you too get your own website or blog up and running?
I’ll tell you all about it here in this article! I’ll also tell you what tools I use, what I pay money for, and what is perfectly adequate as a free version. So let’s get started!

Do I need to create a website or blog myself?

Yes, you must! Absolutely! …no nonsense of course not! This is just one of the options you have. You can of course create a website or blog & dedicate yourself to a specific topic, but you don’t have to.

As you’re about to discover, creating a website is no magic trick. I’m not going to go into the various providers that you can use to quickly create a website, because I’m not convinced by most of them.

Instead, I’ll show you how to create a WordPress website or blog. AND I’ll show you some of the tools I use – who knows, you might like some of them 😉

But one more thing on the topic of whether you need to create your own website or blog:
You don’t have to. You could also join an existing platform – for example, the one I have here. That means you could write your guest articles here or we could do events together or, or, or 😉

I and many others on the web are happy if anyone wants to join the team and support knowledge sharing. How about joining a blog, supporting it, and accomplishing more together with the operator than you could each do on your own?

Preparation / Idea / Target group & Co.

Get into the fun! Your website is waiting!

Let’s go through the preparation:

  1. Choose topic (what you want to write about)
  2. Define your goal with the platform (What is your purpose with the website or blog? What do you want to achieve with it?)
  3. Which target group do you want to address? (More young or old? More business or personal? etc.)

There are many other questions you could answer, but these are the most basic ones to get you started quickly!

Determine topic

The theme is the most basic step you need to take. What do you want to write about? What do you want your blog to be about? What is the theme of your website? What should be included? What can your reader expect from you? Is your theme sustainable or just a trend? In any case, it should be a topic that you enjoy and will stick with – only then will it go easily and you will overcome and master hurdles!

One topic could be:

  • Shares
  • Real Estate
  • Cryptocurrencies
  • Master YouTube
  • Financial freedom
  • Help founders
  • Facilitate housewives work at home
  • Fashion
  • Fitness
  • Increase
  • Slimming
  • uvm. – what is your topic?

However, there are other options outside of the standards. Something like comparison sites, affiliate sites for certain topics and so on… You could make a directory of the best blogs for kitchen appliances or the best blogs for real estate agents or, or, or. The possibilities are endless and limited only by your imagination!

Define goal

What is your intention? What do you want to achieve with the website or blog?

Should it simply become knowledge sharing? Or a how-to platform with instructions? Or an affiliate blog? In any case, the point is that opening your platform has a purpose & meaning. And you should crystallize this one right at the beginning.

Examples of an intention/goal could be:

  • Making a topic better known
  • Make you more known
  • Run affiliate through your platform
  • Bringing the status of your website forward
  • Improve your Google ranking
  • Present and sell products through constant articles
  • Develop your ability as a copywriter
  • etc.

What purpose does your platform serve for you?

Which target group do you want to address?

One of the most important points with your blog or website, but also in any business, is the target audience! If you don’t know who you want to or do approach, you’re in the dark, going by the principle, „Even a blind hen eventually meets a grain of corn.“

That’s why you need to actually figure out who your target audience is.

  • Who do you want to target?
  • What is your target audience interested in?
  • What are the goals & values of your target audience?
  • How old is your ideal reader/customer?
  • What gender is he/she?
  • What relationship status?
  • What are its challenges?
  • What are his pain points?
  • What kind of solution does he expect from you?

Create WordPress Website / Blog

Ok, now you know what topic it should be and how and what you want to write. So let’s move on to the technical implementation so you can create your online presence:

  1. Choose a hoster (provider on whose server your blog will run)
  2. Determine URL (website address, such as
  3. Install & configure WordPress
  4. Install & configure plugins (additional tools that make your work easier, improve workflow, facilitate design, etc.)
  5. Get started with preparatory steps for texting!

Choose hoster

There are quite a few hosters out there on the web. Which one suits you… we don’t know. But we won’t compare which one is good, which one can do what etc., because that’s not the point here.

In addition, our focus is on implementation and not on finding out what is available and which is 0.01% better than the other. That’s why I’m only showing you our used systems here.

Our hoster that we use is We have been a customer here for several years and can only highly recommend it. We have never had a failure, or problems of any kind and also the price / performance is unbeatable in our opinion.

At that time I decided to use this hoster, because a good friend of mine said that he, as a marketing agency, only recommends this hoster to all of his customers and has been using it without any problems – and that for years. We can confirm this. is simply great!

Determine URL

That’s the beauty of, because here you have, depending on the tariff, between 3 and 10 domains (URL addresses) included. You can find the exact conditions on the website of the operator by clicking on the link or button above.

But I have never found it easier than with them to choose a domain (URL) and integrate it into the hoster account. A piece of cake!

Ok, so to the essentials: Your task is to simply choose an address that is still free on the Internet and that you would like to have for your blog.

In our case, for example, it is FastFlow.Marketing. However, we have several more in our portfolio.

Many say that the address must be like your subject. So if you’re into real estate, „real estate“ has to be in your URL! And if it’s financial, then that has to be included in the address… What a bullshit!!!

It might have been relevant 10 years ago, but it’s irrelevant today. Google & Co. are constantly learning. They’re getting better, expanding their algorithms, and no longer measure the value of a website by such things as the URL. This is now a minimal factor, if any.

If you’re on the web and have an affinity with it, you know that Google is paying more and more attention to making sure your site & content is tailored to the reader and is engaging and relevant to them. With the recurring updates to Google’s guidelines, those sites that optimized everything just for Google and ignored the reader fall flat on their face.

This means that content is not king!
It is
: Content that is tailored to the readers is king!

This means for you in plain language: Choose a name you like and build your blog on it. Very simple.

Install & configure WordPress

At you log into the KAS (customer administration system), the technical administration and click on „Software Installation“ on the left. Then select „WordPress“ on the right and click continue.

After that, just follow the steps. Choose the domain on which to install WordPress, say if you want a new database created (if you’re creating a new site, then hopefully it’s logical that a new one needs to be created), and enter your desired user credentials that you can log in with later.

DONE! Now it takes a short time to install WordPress. After that, you can log into WordPress and get started!

WordPress is installed. Now it’s about the configuration. Here I’m not going to give you instructions on how to set what. Click through the menus and take a look at everything. You should eventually develop a feeling for your system!

If you still need help with this, including installing and setting up, drop me a line and we’ll do it together.

Install and configure plugins

Installing plugins is also easy. To do this, go to Plugins, Install and wait briefly until the right pane has loaded.

Then you can enter what you are looking for in the search box and select the appropriate plugin. Click on „Install now“ and go through the next steps.

If you need help with this, give me some info and we’ll do it together.

Once you have chosen, installed and configured your plugins, all you have to do is build your website the way you would like it to be. WARNING: This can take several hours to build. And if you’ve never done this before, it may take you several more hours to figure out all the features and set everything up to your liking. Let’s help! We create websites every day.
Let’s talk, talk about your ideal website, plan it AND create it!

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