Community and customers through MeetUp

What is Meetup? What can I use it for? What’s the point of going to Meetups or starting one myself?
I want to show you all that today in this short article and also explain why I use Meetup.

What is Meetup?

Meetup is a platform to network and get together. The focus is on offline meetings, but online meetings are also possible. Thus, it is your choice how you do it.

Normally, you could stick to the following: Should as many as possible be able to participate and only one may speak at a time? → rather online.
Or should there be a lively exchange within several groups and focus on regional networking? → rather offline.

What can I use Meetup for?

Mostly, Meetup groups exist on targeted topics. However, there are often meetups for general exchange, enjoying after work, etc. – the choice is huge! That is, it depends on you.

So, how can you use Meetup?
You need your own group or join an existing group.

If you join a group that addresses your topic, the process is pretty clear: you sign up for meetups and get involved in the action, share ideas, and have fun!

You can also approach the organizers and find out how you can contribute to the Meetup. By the way, that’s „mostly“ welcome, because organizing, running, expanding, etc. a Meetup does take a bit of effort. Then if someone comes around the corner and wants to help out, that’s a cool thing! – Is at least with me so 😉

How do I start my own Meetup?

Anyone can create a Meetup on any topic in any location. Be it a one-time event or a recurring event series. Whether it’s for five or a hundred participants, it’s always your decision.

The sequence for this is simple:

  1. Create an account with Meetup
  2. Choose your Meetup package
  3. Create your first Meetup
    1. Choose a suitable, attractive title for this
    2. Write a description so that it is clear what to expect
    3. Determine the place
    4. Determine the time
    5. Determine the maximum number of participants
    6. Decide whether guests may be brought along
    7. Decide if you want to make it free, on a donation basis or for a fixed fee
    8. What else could be important from your point of view? What would you want to know when you sign up for a Meetup?
  4. Look forward to registrations and a successful Meetup!

Meetup costs

You can choose between $9.99 monthly if you pay for 6 months in advance, or $14.99 monthly. Is therefore affordable for everyone. It may be that the fees change. So be sure to stop by Meetup and check out the rates.

A little tip about cost: event attendees know that it takes time and effort to organize a Meetup. So don’t be afraid to set up a donation box or collect a set amount – after all, you always want to make your Meetup better. And if it’s self-funding, it’s a lot more convenient than always having to pay for it out of your own pocket, isn’t it?

Meetup Event Structure

How you structure the Meetup is up to you. I have found that most like to know what the schedule will be, what may be in it (if it is not always the same theme) and the peripheral information about the event.

This could look like this (My old cashflow event structure):

16:00 | Start, welcome, getting to know each other
16:15 | Interactive lecture on a specific topic
16:45 | Start of game incl. Explanation and introduction
18:30 | End of the game round and start of the feedback round incl. Exchange about lessons, experiences and much more.
19:00 | Networking and exchange with open end 😉
IMPORTANT: Be on time! Who comes too late, feeds the respect box with 3€!

As you may have seen at the bottom, I even introduced a point for latecomers. This is also a topic that could be important – rules.

Rules for your Meetup participants!

Often, standard rules like the following are enough to make your Meetup successful for everyone involved:

  1. The event must not be used for pure acquisition!
  2. We do not devalue anyone!
  3. We are positive and constructive
  4. etc.

Rules for you as a host!

  1. Set the time & place so that your target audience can come to the Meetup. This includes the right time, place, day, connection by public means, parking, etc.
  2. Your Meetup is made up of your members. So answer quickly and understandably to questions that arise
  3. Inform your participants about directions, parking, public transport connections and the exact way to the event – e.g. with pictures or a short video.
  4. Provide drinks and snacks or inform that there are none so everyone is aware
  5. Keep getting feedback so you can make the events even better, get more people to come, and maximize your Meetup’s success!
  6. Many attendees love networking – provide a large enough opportunity to do so
  7. At the end of the Meetup event:
    1. Thank you for participating
    2. Encourage your attendees to write a good review about the Meetup

What benefits do you get from Meetup?

  • You can position yourself as a company or budding entrepreneur and take pole position for a topic in your region
  • You can drive regional networking, bring people together, create and strengthen connections
  • You could even get to customers, partners, suppliers, employees, or even mentors through Meetup
  • You can interact with like-minded people and meet fascinating people through Meetup
  • You could find experts who will be speakers at your event, or with whom you will enter into collaborations
  • and you can watch and have fun!


Meetup is a terrific opportunity for quite a few scenarios. The costs are manageable and apportionable. It offers extremely much scope and, by the way, has a super ranking on Google & Co. Whoever does not use it, is honestly to blame.

PS: These are my meetups if you want to take a look:

PS: If you’re not sure how to get started right now, feel free to write me via the contact form and we’ll discuss together what the best steps are for you.

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