
27 Free Traffic Sources

Everyone wants traffic – preferably for free! Is that possible? Absolutely! 27 free traffic strategies prove it.
And to give you a little insight, we’ve picked out 4 pieces to give you a taste.
Check out the following 4 traffic sources, implement them and give us feedback on how they work for you! And if you have ideas for more traffic sources, feel free to share! We are happy to add them.

#1. Traffic source

The first traffic source is a timeless and ever persistent classic known to us all. It’s… „drum roll“… the email list!

Yes, of course, you already knew about that, of course I do. BUT we’ll still go over some reasons why this classic is a classic and why it somehow never goes out of „fashion“. So let’s get started!

The classic email list – Is it obsolete? Do we even need that today? Read on to find out if it is still relevant today.

If you think it’s outdated, you’ll be surprised how wrong you are!
Because the email list is just as important these days, if not more so, than it used to be!

Just imagine what an email list is… It’s your property. It is in your possession and under your control. There are hardly any restrictions on how and what you can do with it. You decide WHAT, WHEN, HOW, WHERE you write your list.

If Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc. all fall away, you’ll still have your list to totally rely on!

You decide which systems to use, what content to put in, when to send the emails and when not to. It is your decision alone and you do not have to submit to anyone.

Plus, your list can grow immeasurably – no limits on the number of contacts you have or how many you can send at once or how often you can send emails – anything is possible!

The only question is: are you already building your list? If not, now is the best time to do it!

And if you don’t know exactly how, let’s discuss together how to get started:
Talk together now „

#2. Traffic source

Do you know Google? Ok, the question was superfluous. And do you know YouTube? Ok, the question is also unnecessary. BUT did you know that Google is the world’s largest search engine? And more importantly, did you know that YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world?

For Google, we website owners optimize many things so that we rank well, so that we are displayed high up and get many visitors, right? But what about YouTube? Shouldn’t we take advantage of both search engines? Especially since YouTube belongs to Google anyway?

The answer is, of course, yes!

So: How about a YouTube channel? Hopefully you realize that after Google, YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world (which belongs to the largest search engine, Google).

So why not put the power of YouTube to work for you?
The question is simply whether building a YouTube channel suits you, is easy to implement, and whether you want to do it at all.

Because YouTube means making videos and putting them online. There are many different options here. From „do everything yourself“ to „outsource everything“, everything is possible. It just has to fit for you.

And it’s not just about good content. Because we are in a fast-paced society. Videos must pack! They must captivate! They must bring content to the viewer, but also „entertain“ him at the same time, etc.! Phew… all sounds super difficult, doesn’t it?

Fortunately, it only sounds like that and is not such a big witchcraft in the implementation. We can help you build your YouTube channel, design and implement the videos effectively and use everything efficiently.
Talk together now „

#3. Traffic source

If you need traffic, it is usually because you are running your own business. Mostly you want to drive traffic to a page where your offer is, where someone is supposed to sign up for something or something like that.

And if you couple it with a sale, which is wanted in business anyway, because without sales = no business, then use the power of your environment and your customers! (or potential customers) AND your fans!

Okay, enough beating around the bush: It’s all about affiliates! People who find your products and services so good, so great, so awesome that they recommend them to others AND are rewarded for successful recommendations.

If you build affiliates, people who recommend your products to others, then you have created your ultimate sales team! Because you don’t have to worry about wages, doing tasks, making phone calls, etc. – your affiliates do all that by themselves!

Is it easy to build affiliates? The answer is yes!
Are all affiliates active from day one and producing what they can?
Highly unlikely… In fact, there are many who try to be such, but fail in the implementation.

That’s why it’s sometimes your job to provide them with good advertising opportunities. After all, they should go to the right audience, have the right materials if they want to advertise, possibly they could use some copy?

You hopefully see that it’s a super traffic source. But it also needs a little care. Affiliates are more or less like an external sales team, which you keep up to date with your specific affiliate area or keep informed via e-mail. Of course, these people love videos, LIVE trainings, etc. But the most important thing is that they bring you customers. Otherwise, all the effort is useless!

How can you motivate them to work? Through incentives, a points system, and more. The main thing is that they are encouraged to do something and the reward is not only money, but maybe an Amazon gift certificate for the best 3 or, or, or – be creative!

It is advisable for an entrepreneur – and I assume you don’t want to be self-employed, but an entrepreneur – to have someone who takes care of affiliates and informs them about new promotions, provides them with materials, such as links, graphics, images, texts, etc.

That was actually already the small insight into the world of affiliates. Would you like to know more about this?
Let’s talk „

#4. Traffic source

The traffic source that most likely few use. Which they might never think of as a traffic source is… „drum roll“… Amazon!

Yes! Read correctly – Amazon! Read on and you’ll find out why, how and everything else:

Did you know that Amazon could be one of your traffic sources? But how? On Amazon you can sell lots of stuff – you already knew that – BUT you can also give stuff away, like an eBook.

This you could feed with information and then direct people to your landing page & co. for more quality knowledge or your products/services (check Amazon guidelines beforehand to see to what extent this is possible)

If you don’t know exactly how to proceed yet, it doesn’t matter.
Just let us talk and we will find out the ideal way for you, which you can easily implement.

Your 27 free traffic sources

You have now learned about four free traffic sources. In the following PDF you will find 27 free traffic sources, you can use any of them and become successful! (but depends on you if you apply it or not!).

Are you an implementer? Are you a doer? If not, keep your hands off the PDF!!! But if you do, here we go! Get the PDF right now!


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